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The Decree “On the electricity industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the period up to 2030”

Decree of the Government approved the main directions of the tariff policy in the electricity industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the period up to 2030. The document approved the main directions of the tariff policy. Among them, ensuring the availability of energy resources to consumers at reasonable and competitive tariffs. Tariffs will be established with the obligatory provision of social protection for low-income and vulnerable groups of the population. The transition to the tariff setting method will be carried out in stages until 2023. Starting from 2023, the validity of electricity tariffs will be set for at least 3 years. Balancing the interests of consumers and energy supplying enterprises will be achieved by setting mutually acceptable tariffs. The document defines the principles of tariff formation. In particular, when forming tariffs, a weighted average approach is introduced; the definition of tariffs is not subject to unreasonable political influence.


Source: Legal info