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The system of organizing training of specialists abroad will be radically revised

The Decree of the President "On measures to radically improve the system of training abroad and further increase the potential of civil servants and specialists" (№DP-6168, February 11, 2021) was adopted. In accordance with the Decree, additional tasks and directions of activities of the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation were determined. According to this, the system of search, selection, organization of training of specialists abroad will be radically revised. According to this document the next will be developed:
  • study programs for bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies abroad on the basis of open scholarship competitions are the main educational programs of the Foundation;
  • Competitive selection of candidates for the educational programs of the Foundation is carried out on an ongoing basis in a form open to all citizens of Uzbekistan, regardless of the place of work and study on the territory of the republic;
  • The Fund, on the basis of direct orders from ministries, departments and organizations, organizes internship programs in promising and in-demand specialties.
Open competitive selection of candidates for educational programs of the Foundation is conducted in the following areas:
  • state and public administration;
  • ensuring the rule of law and the judicial and legal sphere;
  • education, healthcare and other social sectors;
  • spheres and branches of the economy.
The Foundation for Teaching Youth under Bachelor's Degree Programs in Developed Foreign Countries, on the basis of open scholarship competitions, will allocate 100 places in 2021, for master's and doctoral studies - on average, 5 times more places in relation to previous years.
Source: Legal Info (