Recognizing education certificates issued in foreign countries
By the Government Resolution the Regulation on the procedure for recognizing education certificates issued in foreign countries was approved. According to the Regulations, the recognition of documents on obtaining general secondary and secondary education in foreign countries is free. For the recognition of documents on the receipt of secondary special, professional, higher education, retraining and advanced training of staff a fee of 3 times the minimum wage is charged.
In the following cases the recognition of documents produced without testing:
- documents of applicants who have received general secondary and secondary special, vocational education and on advanced training;
- documents of applicants who have been trained in foreign educational institutions with subdivisions and joint educational institutions in Uzbekistan;
- documents of higher educational institutions, which occupy the first 1,000 positions in the international ranking among higher educational institutions;
- documents of applicants who have received education in the areas of ministries and departments;
- documents of applicants who entered the study in foreign educational institutions untill January 1, 1992;
- documents of applicants who have received education in educational institutions accredited by full members of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education;
- documents of applicants who have received education in educational institutions accredited in the USA, Australia, Israel, Canada, Singapore, South Korea, Japan;
- documents of applicants who have received education at the expense of funds allocated by the ministries and departments;
- documents on education in cases stipulated by international treaties, acts of the President and the Government.
For the recognition of documents, applicants should apply via the Centers of Public Service or the Interactive portal of state services. Applicants should attach to the application form a document on education, its application and a notarized copy, translated into Uzbek. For documents recognized on the basis of the test, test tests will be organized, and this will be announced on the website of the Inspectorate for Supervision of the Quality of Education in 10 days. The test will consist of 50 questions, and documents from applicants who have scored 54 points or less will not be recognized. From September 1, 2019, applications for recognition of documents on general secondary and secondary education received abroad are accepted only through the Centers for Public Services or the Single Portal of Interactive Public Services.
Source: Legal info (