Private Maternity Hospitals Allowed
The President’s resolution “On improving the quality and further expansion of the coverage of medical care for women of reproductive age, pregnant women and children” was adopted. The resolution allowed private medical institutions to engage in medical activities such as childbirth. At the same time, permission to engage in such a type of medical activity as the adoption of childbirth is granted exclusively to those private medical institutions that are able to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Safe Motherhood strategy of the World Health Organization and the relevant established requirements. According to the resolution, before March 1, 2020, the program of electronic data exchange between health authorities and the registry office on birth and death will be improved. Beginning July 1, 2020, in all obstetric facilities, the implementation of the Electronic Data Exchange Program will be mandatory. Reproductive Health Promotion Council established. The resolution also approved a program of measures to improve the quality and further expand the coverage of medical care provided to women of reproductive age, pregnant women and children, for 2019-2023. Under the Cabinet of Ministers, a Council was created to strengthen reproductive health of the population, and to protect the health of mothers and children. One of the main tasks of the Council is to strengthen the reproductive health of the population, ensure the implementation of the adopted programs and measures to strengthen the reproductive health of the population, and protect the health of mothers and children. The resolution approved a project to improve the quality and accessibility of perinatal care for pregnant women and infants in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Source: Legal Info (